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Students Win Retail Design Institute Competition

Published October 25, 2019

Each year, the Retail Design Institute offers a competition for design students with a goal of helping them to develop skills to solve design problems for real-world applications. Students were invited to create an experience store prototype for Gourmet Grocer Inc. Competition criteria include conducting retail consumer research to inform brand development, understanding the retail practices of a gourmet grocer retailer to best prototype new design, and demonstrate innovative thinking in storefront design, interior design, and merchandise planning, among other skills.

This year, Professors Huber and Webber introduced the competition as a three-week design challenge to their Studio 3 classes. We are pleased to announce that two of our students placed in the top three seats. Senior Meagan Haley won first place and will receive $5000. Senior McKenzie Barco won third and will receive $1000. In addition to their individual prizes, the department will also receive $500 which will go into the foundation. Below are a few highlights of their submissions. Please join us in congratulating Meagan and McKenzie on their incredible accomplishments!