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About Us

Our approach is one driven by a systemic design process, shaped by critical thinking and dedicated to translating needs to spatial solutions that support users’ satisfaction and well-being.

Our community is one of strength made possible through a supportive, positive learning environment, imparting skills and ideas so that students can manipulate interior architectural spaces to advance our culture and world to its best expression.

The Department of Interior Architecture and Design, housed in the College of Fine Arts, offers multiple degree options in interior design to suit diverse student needs:

  • Undergraduate level: Two CIDA-accredited bachelor’s degrees (B.S. and B.A.)
  • Graduate level: The Graduate Program includes programs suitable for students with or without prior undergraduate degrees in interior design or architecture.
  • A Master of Science first professional degree (M.S.)
  • A Master of Science (M.S.) post-professional degree with two separate tracks for research and design project development
  • A Master of Fine Arts degree (MFA)

A fast-track option for qualified bachelor’s degree students can also provide a combined bachelor’s and master of science (M.S.) degree in 5 years.

Students engage in the general curriculum with design theory, history, technical skills, and participate in studio classes addressing residential and commercial spaces including health care, retail, office environments, hospitality, furniture design and specialized projects for children, seniors, and others in need of supportive spaces.  The curriculum prepares students to work in interior design firms, as interior designers in architectural firms, or in many other design-related settings.

Thoughtful interior environments can help to protect and support people, the natural environment, human resources, and make the world a better place in which to live, work, and thrive. The Department of Interior Architecture & Design at Florida State University offers the knowledge and skills necessary to create built environments that are functional, safe, equitable and beautiful. Now more than ever, designers can bring good places to people so that they can be their best selves.

  • Department Mission
    Human-Centered & Evidence-Based Design

    The Department’s mission is to provide students the knowledge necessary to pursue careers as designers who create functional, sustainable and beautiful environments that positively impact human health, safety and well-being. To this end, the Department imparts the values of human-centered and equitable design, evidence-based design processes and creative and critical thinking so that students create well-designed spaces where people live, work, and thrive.

  • Educational Philosophy
    Driving Positive Change

    Design is a pivotal driver of change, advancement, and equality in society, and it is essential to the physical and psychological well-being of the human experience. The Department of Interior Architecture and Design provides a strong foundation for the collaborative practice of interior design. Throughout the interactive studio culture, students are nurtured as independent and creative learners who integrate fundamental skills, critical thinking, and evidence-based research into the design process. Employing constructivist pedagogies and experiential learning techniques, students move beyond passive learning to become active producers of knowledge in the field.

  • Department Values
    Well-being for All

    As designers, we believe that well-designed spaces have the potential to positively impact human well-being.  As faculty, we strive to impart the following human-centered values to our students:

    • Creative, beautiful and meaningful spaces enhance our life experiences.
    • Well-designed spaces are an important part of our culture and history.
    • Good design should be available to all and can serve as an agent for social change.
    • Spaces have the ability to contribute to our sense of place and community.
    • Spaces should be functional and meet the needs of building occupants.
    • Sustainable design is essential to human health and well-being.
    • Research and evidence-based design are an essential part of design decision making.
    • Ethical behavior and responsible business practices are essential.
A group of college students stand in front of a metal sign reading "the Design Museum."
International Programs
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