The Department of Interior Architecture and Design would like to recognize the outstanding teaching assistants and their tremendous impact on the IA&D Departments’ daily functions. The teaching assistants serve in a wide variety of roles, ranging from in-person class facilitators and social media managers to CAD tutors, department technology assistants, and as traditional teaching assistants. Many teaching assistants within the department are actively working to acquire their Masters of Fine Arts or Masters of Science degree within the graduate program. Along with the immense amount of remarkable contributions to the program, the IA&D teaching assistants are positioned to offer significant support to students in the undergraduate program, as they were once in their positions not long ago.
Teaching assistants also gain valuable experience providing leadership to other students, managing a class session, and developing lectures and interactive learning exercises. Others write press releases, develop online surveys, and craft meeting signup programs for class use.
The department would like to recognize the following teaching assistants who have worked diligently to contribute to the community and function of the Department:
- Corrie Ostrander
- Olivia Perron
- Kailey Carter
- Caroline Mozo
- Julia Ruiz
- Chasen Bloch
- Sarah Riqfi
- Rachel Bannister
- Laura Greenwood
- Hannah Smith

In order to secure a position as a teaching assistant, graduate students must submit an application which will then be reviewed by the Graduate Policy Committee. Successful candidates must possess a strong work ethic, which is evaluated through their explanation of their undergraduate experiences as well as through the materials provided within the application. Along with work ethic, candidates must exude a passion for aiding the next generation of successful design students, and possess a positive attitude which will help support the Department. Once graduate students are accepted into the TA program, a combination of experience, interests, skills, and availability are considered when aligning the TA to a well-matched position. It is important to note that the personal class schedule of the TA holds top priority when considering placement. TA’s are a vital and integral part of the Department’s learning community, providing undergraduate students feedback on design processes, technology, presentation critiques, and many other topics in addition to that provided by instructors.
Teaching assistantship applications for 2021-2022 are now being accepted, offering graduate students a waiver of 9 semester hours of tuition in the fall and the spring semesters, and also a stipend provided by the University. Learn more at
I knew that I was interested in teaching prior to beginning my assistantship, and serving as a TA has made me a hundred times more passionate! I always admired my TAs in undergrad and appreciated their mentorship. Even now, I stay in contact with many of my previous TAs. My assistantship has supported me in more ways than I could have imagined. Not only have I had the opportunity to grow my teaching and leadership skills, but I have also had great networking opportunities and honed my own design skills. They always say that your students teach you so much more than you could have imagined, and this could not be truer. There have been countless instances where I have learned from my students; they are incredibly bright! Becoming a teaching assistant has been one of the best decisions I have made during my time at FSU, and I am so grateful to my department for the opportunity.
— Caroline Mozo, 2nd Year Teaching Assistant
“When I chose to become a TA, I knew it would help me cover some costs of tuition, but I also felt like it would be a good learning experience for me. Being able to see classes from the instructor’s side after going through the program and seeing them from the student’s side makes you realize how much can go on ‘behind the scenes’ of a class. I also think being a TA is a small way to give back to the program that gave me so much in undergrad.”
— Laura Greenwood, 1st Year Teaching Assistant
I have enjoyed assisting with both Studio I and Studio V. Teaching is a future goal of mine. Becoming a teaching assistant allows for experience in the classroom with curriculum, grading, and providing students with feedback on projects. I believe my long-term career goals will benefit from my experience as a teaching assistant. With college-level teaching as a goal of mine, the teaching assistantship is the closest thing to being a professor while in graduate school.
— Rachel Bannister, 1st Year Teaching Assistant
“I am very thankful for the work my TAs do for our undergraduate students and the department at large. I have been the direct beneficiary of wonderful TAs including Olivia Perron, Corrie Ostrander, and Caroline Mozo to name a few in the last year or so. They have been wonderful in balancing their many tasks while supporting their faculty and the undergraduates. Thank you for all that you do!”
— Professor Steve Webber, Teaching Assistant Coordinator