Human wellness is a primary reason interior designers do what they do—creating spaces that fully attend to people’s psychological, physical, emotional and other needs. The WELL Building Standard is a voluntary system of guidelines that building projects can embrace to best ensure that users’ health will be prioritized. The WELL Exam is a rigorous exam designed to test students in their knowledge of the WELL Certification process. Students must understand the seven WELL concepts including light, air, water and nourishment so that as WELL accredited professionals they can serve on project teams to usher a building through the process. We’re pleased to say that many of our graduate students have recently taken and passed the exam. Well done to Kailey Carter, Kheng Lee, Rae Cavazos, Stephanie Gettins and Melise Hulslander!
Passing the WELL Exam can be very helpful and significant to students’ future careers. Said Melise Hulslander, “I feel like WELL is a good indicator of what is to come in the world of design. Its multi-disciplinary approach is what we need as a diverse community. I look forward to seeing how the practices of WELL positively impact our society.”
Circumstances this year meant that the WELL exam had to be completed online. Noted Kailey Carter of the process, “while it may have been more comfortable to be in a familiar place, the proctoring service was extremely vigilant and strict to prevent any unfair advantage.”
It’s our hope that future students, alumni and other practitioners will opt to garner this important credential. Here is some advice from some of this summer’s test takers.
“I would tell anyone who might be preparing to take the exam to definitely plan ahead and stick to a study schedule! It is easy to be overwhelmed by the amount of content necessary to learn, but if you are dedicated and focused, you will do well!” – Kailey Carter
“I spent the summer studying with a dear friend which I’m sure is the reason I passed. Having a partner to remain accountable with and learn alongside was so encouraging and a tactic I whole-heartedly recommend. … I will say, from my own experience and from that of all those I have known to take the exam, none of us ever felt 100% prepared for the big day. It is so much information and the test itself isn’t inexpensive so there is a lot of pressure riding on the event. The cool thing is, so many of us have passed, which means it is doable!” – Melise Hulslander
Once again, congratulations to the students who have passed the exam this year. It’s a big achievement. We cannot wait to see how you bring this success into your future work.