Internships in the Department of Interior Architecture & Design are an important, and required experience for students, providing opportunities that step beyond the classroom and sometimes open doors to post-graduation employment. Among its many challenges, the current COVID 19 pandemic has affected how student internships can proceed. This summer, Professors Dawkins, Huber and Webber were tasked with the unique challenge of creating a curriculum that simulates these experiences in a safe and accessible way.
This summer, our faculty pushed the boundaries of the past and created a brand-new outline presenting juniors, seniors, and graduate students with two tracks for the course. Those who were able to secure remote internships that met COVID precaution protocols engaged in virtual on-the-job training bolstered by conversations with five guest speakers, discussion boards and reflection papers. Discussion topics included inclusion and diversity, designing in the age of COVID, and leadership. Students whose internships were not possible due to current conditions engaged with the guest speaker events and conducted interviews with practitioners. Giving vital insight into company policies, procedures, and ideals, these interviews connected students with industry professionals and fostered growth of their communication and other soft skills.
The class members and instructors engaged in rich text discussion about the many thought-provoking issues that arose. We are grateful to Professors Dawkins, Huber and Webber who made this summer meaningful and we thank each of our guest speakers for contributing to the engaging discussions. We invite you to view more information about each guest speaker on our Instagram, @FSU_IAD.