“552,830. That’s a really big number. For example, it’s the number of people that live in Tucson, Arizona. Sadly, it’s also a really conservative number of the number of people who experienced homelessness in the United States in 2018 on any given night.” This is the strong opening statement of an impactful talk given by our own Dr. Jill Pable at this year’s TEDxFSU event. Her talk entitled “Homelessness: Supporting Dignity Through Design” is an arresting view of how to leverage interior design to its fullest potential by supporting the dignity of the human person.
In addition to her roles within our department, Dr. Pable has devoted much of her efforts toward leading the design community to realize and act in the interests of those who are marginalized. Through the founding of Design Resources for Homelessness, a free resource for designers, educators, and students, Dr. Pable has and continues to foster understanding of the topic. The built environment plays a key role in the lives of people experiencing homelessness. Watch Dr. Pable’s talk to learn just how much.